Thursday, March 5, 2009

Three Guys Were Sitting in the Versus Broadcast Booth

Which you might consider as close to heaven as you can get, but then think about our good friend Shannon, who sat right behind the chutes at Anaheim two weeks ago, and you’ll realize that there are other places a lot closer to the celestial choir at a PBR event. Anyway, these three guys were sitting in the Versus broadcast booth in St. Louis, and somehow, in the midst of the gabfest we are privileged to enjoy anytime Justin McBride and J.W. Hart both shoehorn themselves in there, the third guy, Justin McKee, turned to McBride and asked why there had been so few qualified rides in the first two rounds. Was the long, grueling season finally catching up with the riders? Were they getting hurt? Were they just tired?

I didn’t hear how McBride responded because I was too busy getting up off the floor, where I had landed in my astonishment. But I am happy to answer on Mr. McBride’s behalf, since I’m sure he didn’t get the answer right.


Anybody who has stopped by here since the season began knows that I was not impressed by the bulls that bucked for about the first six events. Thank God somebody has finally come to his senses and gotten us some decent stock, because frankly I was so bored during the Baltimore, New York, Fresno, and Sacramento events that I was seriously considering finding something else to waste my time on, like needlepointing new seat covers for all my dining chairs or taking up growing bonsai, or maybe, in a pinch, building model suspension bridges out of pipe cleaners. All that started to change in Dallas, finally, and certainly since Oklahoma City, I have had no complaints about the bull talent.

So, Mr. McKee, I don’t know whether the cowboys are *tired* or maybe just *tired of all the drama,* which you have to admit has been considerable this season. What I do know is, at St. Louis, twelve riders—just twelve! twelve out of 40!—rode more than ONE bull all weekend long. Out of that twelve, four rode only two bulls, five rode three, and a grand total of three rode all four. I was glad to see Zack Brown ride well—he finished third, less than three points behind the winner—but doubtless everybody already knows that I don’t give a damn how Kody Lohstroh rides, and Wiley Petersen is just about to lose me for good, what with his giving God the praise and the glory whenever a microphone is shoved in his face. I mean, really, Wiley. Do you think God is what’s keeping you on the backs of your bulls? Do you believe you score more points the more you proselytize? Actually, the last proposition might be true, since nobody can tell why the judges score any rider or bull the way they do, but as for the former, I can guarantee you it just ain’t so. I’d say it’s a safe bet that most, if not all, the riders are praying they’ll ride, but the stats speak for the efficacy of that strategy.

So bring on Kansas City, folks. I, too, am back in the house, on the couch, clutching my remote in one hand and my Jack Daniels in the other, hollerin’ and cussin’ and generally making Montana Barn Cat clap his hands over his ears about 30 times each go-round. It feels just like old times.


shannon said...

Well, the bulls are definitely getting more exciting, but quite honestly, the race for #1 is starting to bore me a little. I'm so neutral on Kody that I really hope someone continues to challenge him throughout the whole year. Until then, I'm having more fun anticipating which rank bull Skeeter will choose and finding out if he will ride them or not, and wishing that Ryan would pick it back up again because when he was riding well, I was loving it (and PBR can show him back in the gym again anytime they want :)

Stockyard Queen said...

My attitude toward Kody is indifference shading off into distaste. For one thing, he's BORING to watch. All this crap I keep hearing about how he dresses up a bull is just that--crap. He also seems to always end up on spinners, and we all know how I feel about that.

Jaye said...

I'll go ahead and throw this out there although there will be some who cringe...I am sort of hoping if Guilherme doesn't repeat this year that J.B. wins. I've been a closet J.B. fan for several years, but he has never been my favorite and still isn't. I wouldn't mind seeing Renato win either or Ryan Dirteater or Zack Brown.

Still, the bull riding to me is all about the bulls. I just love them! There's not a whole lot of things more exciting to me than watching a bull rare up, crash down and kick those heels up. And then you've got the bulls like Crosswired that spin in the air. Sweet!

shannon said...

You've got company, Jaye. I made that claim (the same one--JB fan, but not my favorite, would like to see him win) at the beginning of the year. Of course, if Guilherme starts coming on strong, he gets my full support. So would Ryan, Renato, Zack....

Geez, Jaye--they're going to think we're the same person :)

Anonymous said...

Shannon said: You've got company, Jaye. I made that claim (the same one--JB fan, but not my favorite, would like to see him win) at the beginning of the year. Of course, if Guilherme starts coming on strong, he gets my full support. So would Ryan, Renato, Zack....

Geez, Jaye--they're going to think we're the same person :)

Geez, Jaye and Shannon, you both sound like me talking! Triplets!

As for Guilherme coming on strong...well, guess you saw the KC results!

Guilherme was second three times, so why not, JB, too?

Anonymous said...

Shannon said: You've got company, Jaye. I made that claim (the same one--JB fan, but not my favorite, would like to see him win) at the beginning of the year. Of course, if Guilherme starts coming on strong, he gets my full support. So would Ryan, Renato, Zack....

Geez, Jaye--they're going to think we're the same person :)

Geez, Jaye and Shannon, you both sound like me talking! Triplets!

As for Guilherme coming on strong...well, guess you saw the KC results!

Guilherme was second three times, so why not, JB, too?

Black Boots said...

For me, it's Kody's wooden-ness that leaves me wanting. I want my World Champion bull riders to be vibrant, cheerful,and grateful. If they have rock-hard biceps and a chiseled profile, then well, that's ok too. ;-) Once JB learns that, then I don't have a problem with him winning the Chanpionship. But for awhile, anyway, I'll be pulling for Guilherme to re-peat, and three-peat!

And yes, the bulls have finally gotten exciting! It seems as the season wears on, the bulls get stronger while the reverse happens to the riders. Maybe that's just my perception, though.